Do Go Gentle into that Heinous Night

I first heard this refrain in Christopher Nolan’s Interstellar from Professor Brand’s (Michael Caine) determined, grave, surreptitious voice. Taking the professor’s word, Cooper and his team leave an increasingly inhospitable earth in search for a new home among the stars. As the Endurance escape earth’s orbit, the professor says,

To Jacob Carter,

It just takes one. One intentional act to blossom a beautiful relationship. A friendship filled with hilarious antics, warm embrace, and meaningful conversations. Jacob, you are that one—you always took that first step to grace people with your smile, wit, and creativity.  We both worked at Sam’s (college campus coffee shop) but never together. You’veContinue reading “To Jacob Carter,”

In 2021, Things Fell Apart.

This story has been delayed many times for many different reasons. First, I didn’t want to make public such sensitive and vulnerable material.Second, I halted writing multiple times because of overwhelming anger or grief.Third, I became happier when I moved to Korea, so the bulk of the post felt distant. But now, I post thisContinue reading “In 2021, Things Fell Apart.”

We have lift off…again

I’m back, baby. It’s been about two years since my last post (my harangue against life on my 28th birthday). The first wave of the pandemic shook my core, and I froze all writing and creative ventures. Everything felt so meaningless. And futile. Who the fuck cares about what I write? I certainly didn’t. So,Continue reading “We have lift off…again”

Fifth Moon, in Taipei, Seoul, and Budapest

Two weeks in Taipei, one in Seoul, and one in Budapest, never have I felt so displaced in one month’s time. Whereas December and January felt like they flew by, February felt sluggish—isn’t it the shortest month even during leap year? Maybe because it was a rich month with new experiences and reflections. One particularContinue reading “Fifth Moon, in Taipei, Seoul, and Budapest”

Parting from Seoul

Well, my life for the next six months in Europe is all packed in two suitcases. Packing for spring and summer and at least six countries with varied terrain is difficult; hopefully, I won’t freeze or melt or, worse, lose one of the two suitcases. There was a surprising amount of Koreans on my flightContinue reading “Parting from Seoul”

“Nice While It Lasted”

BoJack Horseman is one of the best TV series ever created, and that’s my personal opinion. I’ll admit that it’s not a show for everyone. It’s anthropomorphic animation touching on depression, drug and alcohol abuse, sex and misogyny, the entertainment industry, toxicity, friendship and unhealthy relationships, growth and relapse. It’s raw, and much like digestingContinue reading ““Nice While It Lasted””

Fourth Moon in Seoul

Originally, a fourth month in Seoul was not planned. But things happen, and they mess plans. One of the reasons why I extended my time in Korea was because I got LASEK at the end of last year. LASEK is a less-invasive procedure than LASIK, but its recovery time is much longer. To comply withContinue reading “Fourth Moon in Seoul”

Third Moon in Seoul

This post is coming late due to recovery from LASEK surgery at the end of December. The surgery went well; I am still in wonder with my new 20-20 vision—it’s a whole new world. Forgive thy sinner for I have been indulging on my guilty pleasure: starting too many books at once. At one pointContinue reading “Third Moon in Seoul”

Top Reads of 2019

Being the year when I finished seminary and started Parish Pulpit Fellowship, I’m pleased to say that this year’s readings are very assorted: theology, philosophy, mysticism/spiritual, fiction, sci-fi, high fantasy, dyspotian, letters, and even punctuation! It seems, more than previous years, there was a high number of gems and goldmines—as evidenced by the many differentContinue reading “Top Reads of 2019”

Second Moon in Seoul

It’s cold! My SoCal body can barely handle it. Thank God for heat-tech, layers, down jackets, and 온돌 (“ondol”) or heated floors.  Can’t believe it’s already December. The day I write this, December 3rd, was the first snow of the year; it lasted a pretty hour. I’m reminded of my first snow in college. ItContinue reading “Second Moon in Seoul”

First Moon in Seoul

I find myself gravitating, more frequently now, towards the familiar and comfortable, usually in small forms. I enjoy fresh, clean sheets. I sip on warm coffee, either at home or at one of Seoul’s many fine cafes. I warm myself up with tea at night, usually after an exceptionally large meal. I watch the sameContinue reading “First Moon in Seoul”

I’m off, and I’m here!

It’s been a little over a week since I left the States. My time-orientation is tangled, probably because of jet-lag, probably because of the emotional toll from leaving. I’m stuck between saying “already a week?” and “only a week?” Much has happened, which makes my short week feel longer. Time feels faster when one isContinue reading “I’m off, and I’m here!”

So, what’s next for me?

In a previous post, What does graduating from Fuller…, I shared about closing a chapter—learning how to say goodbye with some finality. In this post, I will share some exciting—and nerve-wrecking(!)—news! I’m going to be abroad for a year! About 5 months ago, during one sleepless night, I was going through the usual anxiety ofContinue reading “So, what’s next for me?”

What does graduating from Fuller mean for me?

A lot. It means my knowledge suffices to receive the Master of Divinity from one of the leading seminaries in the world. It means I’m the first in my immediate family—a bunch of immigrants—to receive a Master’s. It also means my move from Chicago to Pasadena has come to fruition. But it mostly means theContinue reading “What does graduating from Fuller mean for me?”

26th Year and 1st Month of This New Life

It’s my 26th birthday. It’s also been a month since my mom passed away. Birthdays celebrate the life that’s been given, and in partnership with my mom God gave me my life. But the timing of this birthday is both cruel and eerie. If she had died any sooner, or any later, then my 26thContinue reading “26th Year and 1st Month of This New Life”